Thursday, November 12, 2009

365 Project - Day 61

Day 61

For day 61, I decided to try my hand at Astrophotography. You would think it consists of pointing the camera up into the sky and shoot away...not quite that easy. This craft takes a lot of skills and understanding of your equipment. There is also knowing the types of images to take, like Black files and Flat files for stacking, to enhance your final image. Having a sturdy tripod and shutter release cable (to not shake the camera when pressing the stutter button) will ensure you get a clear sharp image. Astrophotography is a whole other world of amazing imagery and talent; just browsing a few images in the forums that I visit have blown my mind. Getting exposed to this side of photography is what this project is all about! We should all expand our knowledge of the different aspects of photography [or whatever industry you are involved in] as you never know when that knowledge may come in handy. For the image above I converted it to Black & White, bumped the exposure up, and increased the black in the image.


Ja Mata,



Matthew Hartman said...

Great shot, Brian! All you need to do now is try some star-trails! :)