Saturday, January 28, 2012

D28 - Journey of 1000 miles...

After some major motivation from the WorkOut Album from Stic of Dead Prez, tonight's images is the product of a Runner's High. What is most impressive about this album is that it is 100% about motivation towards getting fit, eating right, and living a better life for you and your family. No negativity and no cursing, but everything to get you back on your regiment, what ever it might be.

The setup is one light at the camera right and used the timer to capture some images of running. It's funny how many people get curious while driving by and decide to stop, ask questions, or take photos themselves. Fun time, but a little cold.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins one step at a time"

Health is Wealth!

Here is the Runner's High video:


Ja mata,


abbie1 said...

Hi Brian,
I enjoyed the song and the shots! I will check
out some of the other selections from the CD. I have
some iTune credit.